Monday, October 23, 2006

The Classics

Lola: I'm so into this ivory tinkling, I feel so focused yet relaxed listening to the compositions.
Pinky: Oh yeah? Since when are you so refined?
Lola: I was born a lady.
Pinky: Hahaheehee, wrong, you were born a Biznatch!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Miles runs the voodoo down

Lola: Ooh boy, are you ready for the festivities this month?
Pinky: What? Halloween, sure, I've got a costume for yo a**!
Lola: What are you gonna be?
Pinky: A Haitian :)
Lola: Why a Haitian?
Pinky: I need to use my supernatural forces to get you away from me! Muhhhaaaaahahahaha!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Pinky: Dangit, this is like a never ending day. She comes home, we play, cuddle, then it's back to sleep we go.
Lola: I know but it's hump day and friday will be here before you know it!
Pinky: Well maybe I should take up a new hobby.
Lola: Yeah, I just heard about a site for us and all of our friends to connect. It's called Dogster. Let's log on and sign up! That should take up some of your "free" time.
Pinky: Coolio!
Lola: All set, and we already have friend requests! Yes!